My Life After Release continues to be an adventure as I continue to live and learn, after my return to society as if being a caveman who walked out of a cave into a bright new world filled with gadgets and devices that were not available in 1988 when thrown into a cage to…
…protect society.

Life is wonderful, full of surprises and a host of challenging situations but only as challenging as I chose to perceive them to be.
The truth is that life just happens, and I make a decision on how to view any event or chain of events. I chose to see challenging situations as an opportunity to learn.
No day passes without me having learned something beneficial.
Though living my life in a respectful manner and focusing on doing the right thing, I still must be on guard for the character defects that ruled my life many years ago; especially, the pride when driven by Mr.
EGO, the one who feels the need to defend that scared little boy who grew up fighting to keep the bullies and predators at bay.
If left unchecked, Mr. EGO would have me right back in jail or dead. Fortunately, I have learned when to walk away from a situation to avoid a catastrophe or unpleasant outcome in a dispute. Humility. Not humiliation.
When I bought the watch for $14.99 on Woot, an Amazon company, I thought I had gotten a great deal because it was advertised as normally listing for $99.99.
A month later, I find the following when researching to write this blog about learning to deal with life in this new era, and deciding to use the thieving smartwatch as an example that met its match with my smartphone:
Woot must have not known about the 2020 HOT DZ09 Smartwatch shown above that sells for $1.99 on , not $99.99 as advertised to sucker people in like me to buy it for a deal.
Who would have guessed that the smartwatch was a thief programmed to steal?
When I received the security warning from Google on my Motorola One Zoom with the Android 10 update, I complained to Woot about the smartwatch having the phishing link included, and though Woot did give me a prompt refund, I later saw the Smartwatch still being sold.
But to be fair to the manufacturer and Woot, the smartwatch I received may have been one of a select group of smartwatches primed to steal personal data when connected to the phone after scanning the QR Code.
I was told to keep the smartwatch. Even though I do not have it connected to my phone, I don't trust that darn smartwatch because I don't know just how smart and scandalous it is with today's technology.
I lay it facedown to make sure that the camera isn't spying on me and sending the data to its operator. :-)
Affiliate Marketing

Now, as part of me making an honest living, unlike the scandalous individuals behind the thieving smartwatch, I am learning to be an affiliate marketer, who will earn a small commission for any product or service advertised, if purchased.
For both of these ads, I watched the promotional videos and was impressed with both. Ads for each one is contained elsewhere on this website.
ProVen ( … is a weight loss product and is advertised as time sensitive so if trying to lose weight and feel the product will work, act sooner than later. I did not find negative information about either of the promotional items.

Promotional Ads:
Straight From the Pen does not guarantee the product or service; however,  does provide a 60-day, money back guarantee for the weight loss supplement, ProVen ( …
ProVen ( … Click to watch the impressive video for ProVen, a product claimed to be based on science and does contain information to support its position.
For those who want to learn how to be a Freight Broker, this appears to be a good course, as it sells often and my research failed to find anything negative about the company who sells the programs.
As an affiliate marketer, if you purchase the course, I receive a small commission that does not affect my decision to promote this course.
You can follow @DowdyFromThePen.
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