Enforcement of self isolation w/ law of requires those tasked with fining to be able to ascertain whether P has been asked to self isolate (else, how would they know)? Even limited data sharing with police strikes at the heart of "should breaking isolation be an offence?"
Of course, it's v possible this data was already being shared, without a legal basis, over the previous weeks, and this is just an urgent clarification to stop @Foxglovelegal or similar getting their activist lawyers in to check if we still function under the rule of law or not.
Important questions on the scope of any requests by @Marion_InfoLaw https://twitter.com/Marion_InfoLaw/status/1317730908049412096
A request for the memorandum of understanding has been made by @EinsteinsAttic https://twitter.com/EinsteinsAttic/status/1317565287739367424?s=20
As @lilianedwards points out, not the same throughout the UK, as fines much smaller in Scotland for breaking self-isolation (hard to keep track, but I think the max is £960 compared to £10,000 in England) https://twitter.com/lilianedwards/status/1317778196956327942
And as @mattr3 of @OpenRightsGroup points out, Scotland has narrower sharing with the Police (although not zero). Looks like they drafted their data sharing info correctly from the start too with the exceptions for Police Scotland. https://twitter.com/mattr3/status/1317767066158596098
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