When I first joined Twitter my focus was heavily on education.
That was a year ago almost.
My life has changed dramatically in that time.
I am now a single mum.
My family decided that my decision to end my 14 year marriage was shameful and no longer want contact.
I miss them.
But I choose me.
I choose my babies.
I choose to make decisions based on what is in the best interests of myself and my children.
I am slowly building a new life for us.
I’m scared like I’ve never been before, but I’m alive!!!
I’m 35 now. I realised that my 12 year old daughter was watching me, watching my mum.
Learning from us both how to be a woman.
It took all the strength I had to leave all I knew.
Part of me wanted to stay because it was safer, the world seemed like a big scary place to be on
my own.
Fear kept me trapped.
Fear of the unknown.
But There is no fear I wont face for my babies.
That’s what a mother does.
My girl watched me with innocent eyes as I turned her world upside down. Because I had to. Because it wasn’t enough for her. She deserves more.
She deserves to live.
She deserves to choose.
She deserves to make mistakes and learn from them.
So do I.
I’ve come a long way in a year. And I intend to keep going.
The future is now what ever I make it.
I choose now.
And I choose happiness.
I choose opportunities for me and my babies that were only a dream before.
Anything is possible.
What’s sent to me is ment for me.
There’s nothing I can’t do now I’ve faced my biggest fear. I left. I choose me. ❤️
You can follow @BrennKerry.
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