exo and sasaeng moments

: a thread
when chanyeol has to run to avoid those sasaengs that made his slipper "injured" which made him so tired and dizzy while waiting for his service car
the event where suho felt so disgusted when a sasaeng appeared in their concert raising a banner of "rape me suho"
when kyungsoo stared at the sasaeng who has been walking so close to him at the airport
baekhyun calling out those sasaengs and comparing them to his eris who were so patient just by watching him from vlive instead of ruining his time to walk and rest
when a sasaeng slapped junmyeon in the face and baekhyun was so ready to attack her himself
kyungsoo bolted back because he spotted a sasaeng outside his hotel corridor, which really made him so anxious
chanyeol rolled his eyes on the sasaeng who has been following him at the airport
one of the worse experience of kyungsoo when a sasaeng clung onto him and pretended as if they were close and he don't even know what to do
when sehun held back his anger on replying to those hate comments from sasaengs and antis about junmyeon while he's live thru v app
exo members with chen at the front got pushed by those sasaengs and even stopped walking until they have given them space to walk freely
jongin mentioned in his live that there were sasaengs outside their dorm that time and he asked them to leave or else he will call a police
when a girl looked like she was just making a phone call but turned out to be a sasaeng and even grabbed baekhyun's arm
when baekhyun sent a message thru bubble saying that he got so scared when he saw two sasaengs outside their apartment after his schedule, he wondered how they knew about that and he got so anxious bc one of them was familiar to him and even begged them to respect his privacy
this is as far as I've searched for an hour.

end of thread.
i think the name of the thread was inappropriate, my bad, i think ENCOUNTER would fit better πŸ™ƒ
the rumors about junmyeon getting slapped wasn't true, so yall should calm down, okay? 😘 thanks!!
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