This tweet perfectly captures how #ThriveAgric has made us feel and that’s what hurts the most. They’ve have twisted the narrative to look as if investors are irrational and they’re the victims.

#ThriveAgricPayup #ThriveAgricPayYourInvestors
Maybe we should create a thread showing how this matter started &how they lied for months, paid off media to take down our stories, deleted our comments, blocked investors, infiltrated investors groups with their friends & families
#ThriveAgricPayup #ThriveAgricPayYourInvestors
The journey so far has been long and painful. People got paid selectively based on how loud they spoke up. Many of us couldn’t because our investments weren’t due yet.

#ThriveAgricPayup #ThriveAgricPayYourInvestors
It was when we started adding @ycombinator @kola_aina @vp_fund to the social media drag that they started posturing to feign innocence. DO NOT BE DECEIVED.

They paid people and asked them to delete tweets. People were blocked on Nairaland for mentioning #ThriveAgric
#ThriveAgric abandoned their twitter page for months but continued updating their LinkedIn page. Comments were also deleted and at a time they locked their comment section too.

This company stifled investors voices for so long

#ThriveAgricPayup #ThriveAgricPayYourInvestors
Problem that started in March/April, they released a statement in October. What do think was happening during these months?

It has been a battle for them to even acknowledge any wrongdoing at all


#ThriveAgricPayup #ThriveAgricPayYourInvestors
Those whose payouts are not yet matured received that email about extensions due to our efforts. You were only informed because of our actions. We fought for them to speak up.

We were not informed earlier. They lied to us that we’ll be paid on our due dates.

They were more focused on protecting their brand image and reputation rather than paying investors. They accused us of making them lose more investors and having a vendetta against them.

#ThriveAgricPayup #ThriveAgricPayYourInvestors
Read this thread and see for yourselves. These people were seeking for new investors in May, stating “we didn't want to start raising the funds from our crowdfunding platform because the cost of funds can be back breaking”

You think they care about you?? Lol

They are using our money to transition away from the crowdfunding model and focus on institutions. Do you think that 12-24 months was not properly thought out by them? Think again.

In simple terms, they are only concerned about their company, not US.

So, #ThriveAgricPayup
You can follow @ThriveAgrief.
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