Okay...now I wanna go back to try reading O2 again. Any rants or flails will go under this thread. Mostly in Bahasa since it's easier.
Gui thinks So is cute since the beginning..Alahaaai~ awat comel na P' Gui..

P' Gui is a Uni Moon kan? Awat xdak gf dari awal?
Dia main grab2 tangan pulaaaaaak~ Weh! Baru chapter 2 kot!
So P' Gui said he didnt know how he could win his Moon title with his lame singing. Meaning his face is really handsome then? Eh jap 🤔
So bawak P' Gui makan restoran mahal. Tersedak orang tu tengok harga kot, So 🤣

Bak kata P' Gui 'eat rice husk instantly'
I hate whipped culture so much..

Orang tu sebut Guitar je pun! Terus kata on the way.. Macam tau tau je.
The heck...So's condo has a swimming pool inside and two bedrooms kot. Bapak kaya.
Condo So on the top floor la weh.. Lagi mahal.. apak dia, student first year duk condo mahal gila 😭
'Can P call you like this? Guitar can call anything'

How about Tua Eng? Tee ruk ke? 😏
'Meh P lap sikit rambut tu.' 'P lap tuk selama-lamanya pun takpe'

Somebody help me. This diabetes is killing me 🤡
'Because he is special that I'm being like this'
Chapter 8 ni bagus actually because technically this is the point that we (the readers) found out that both of them are actually aware they like each other and responded accordingly.

How many of us actually stuck in this relationship without title phase, sila angkat tangan 😏
Sigh.. Few minutes into chapter 10 and I'm melting into puddles already 🤡
So even before Ep 6, P' Gui has fallen so deep, but Petch's face expression was so flat that I could not tell at all! Hebat hang Petch..

P' Gui rasa nak hentak kepala sbb shy and me too feel so shy on his behalf.. Camno ni? 😳
Maa laew~ Dumb K has arrived.
Reading while waiting for my doc appointment.

P' Gui be like 'acik, orang nak pindah hostel tau. Nak duk sekali dgn kawan special'


So tak nangis story pasal mak dia, si P' Gui pulak duk melalak.. Hang ni, Gui. Sentimental la..
G: Nak makan apa2 special hari ni tak?
S: Apa2 pun boleh.
S: Mak dulu slalu masak green curry 🥺
G: Okay, nanti P masakkan.

Weh! Untung ada laki pandai masak ni weh. Siap FOC credit card buat bayar grocery.

Rich man, please be my partner as well.. Lai lai~ 😂
So ada 10 luxury cars but he decided to walked home?

The things people do for love 🙃
Kao: Hiewwwww~

Ish! Tidur je la. Sibuk nak makan 😂

Terkejut kawan dibuatnya.
'I love you more than the air I breath'

Tin cannot relate to this, because Can said he breathes carbon dioxide 😂
So: Ni orang belikan baju ni, kalau tak pakai, mmg orang merajuk ah. Baju2 kat rumah semua nipis2, so bawak je baju2 yang ni.

Gui: Tapi ni semua mahal2 la

So: Takpe, orang kan kaya raya!

Huntung la ada faen kaya raya. Nak satu please 🙏
So is making me cry with 'I love Guitar'

I dont need to be this attached to a character, but 😭
Kao Ashira, please know that I love you despite your annoying attitude 😂
Chapter 42 is so beautiful and left me breathless.. Dang, the kissing under water part is memorable. Cant wait to see it in the series
End of O2.

I'm starting to understand and love Kao Ashira more. I'm reading for N2 🤍
Starting N2

Date: 21 Oct 2020

𝘏𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘯. 𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵... 𝘕𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘺.
Kao is awesomeeeee!

Immediately I LIKE YOU from the beginning! This is insane 🤣
Awww...Now is revenge time!

Habis la So kene paksa tolong hahahaha..
Phu: Kamu ni sakit ke?
Kao: Apa P?
Phu: Kamu ni sakit ke?
Kao: Tak ah, P. Tapi bila orang duk dekat dgn P, orang rasa tak bape nak sihat. Rsa jantung ni berdebar2 je bila P ada dekat. Ini sakit ke, P?

Shia Kao!! Let me play 'Dear Doctor' song for you first 😂
Phu: Kamu ni annoying tau tak!
Kao: Orang tak faham nape P kata annoying. Orang tak rasa annoying pun, tapi kalau P rasa annoying, xpe la orang pergi
Phu: Pergi main tempat lain
Orang: Orang tak gi jauh pun..dekat2 sini je. Tapi tak jadi pegi la. Orang tak rasa orang annoying.
'I never thought liking someone can make life so colourful'.

Indeed, Kao. But you wait till you reach the hurting part. Be a fangirl/boy is the safest way to live a life. Trust me 🤭
Friend: *Cerita sejarah mak nenek si Phu*
Kao: Jap jap..nak tulis nota jap
Friend: Amende jadah ko nak tulis nota bagai ni?
Kao: Nak amek nota pasal P' Phu la...Tunggu jap.

Sampai chapter 13, rasa kesian plak dekat si Kao 😭

Susah payah je si Kao ni.
Kyaaaa~ Phu sanggup drive jauh2 malam2 buta!! OMG.

Sis baru je pas nangis sbb kesian kat Kao, tiba2 dia muncul...Sia2 air mata sis.. ganti balik, Phu!
'I want to be lost in the forest'

What does it mean, Kao?
Hahhahaa ..Kao idolize P' Gui too much.

Kao: Tengok P' Gui rasa calm sangat, rasa macam tengah pray dekat Buddha 🤣🤣🤣

Dia teringin nak berlagak dekat So sbb Phu baik, tapi tak jadi sebab P' Gui lagi perfect. HAHAHAHA
𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦. 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 - 𝘗𝘩𝘶

Phu 🥺🥺🥺
Bodoh la PhuKao ni..sedih2 pastu buat lawak.

Kao: Oh P tau tak? Walaupun kita takkan jumpa selama 2 tahun ni, tapi orang akan video call P tiga kali dalam seminggu? 😅
I hate N2. Why O2 was so easy going, but N2 needs to go through so many ups and downs? Don't know how many bucket of tears came out ady 🙄
A kiss on the forehead! OMG..
Thank you so much...not.
SoloKao's friendship 🥺
Mother Helen is scary..hahahaha.. Tak boleh bayang if Mother Helen duk buat conspiracy dengan Ja sekali 🤣
Hahahahaha..Ingatkan Kao worship P' Gui gila2 tapi rupanya dia cakap suara P' Gui tersangat la lembut dan suka cakap lama2 buat dia mengantuk je 🤣🤣🤣

Alahaaaai~ Memang layak Petch jadi P' Gui.
Omoooo...the full mark is Kao (Nine)!!!

Phu is so sneaky hahahaha...
Last chapter... So beautiful, finally a kiss, Phu wants to get married, Phu ordered for a ring.. what else?

I'm literally a ball of mess atm
T-t-t-ongue? What? Wait? How? Why?
In few chapters back, Kao was the one who asked Phu to kiss him. But when Phu asked him to initiate the kiss, suddenly Kao can't do it..Omg, shameless rabbit suddenly changed 😂
When Phu said 'Gon', I imagined he said it the way Tin said 'Can' including his sharp stare in ep8 😫

Chan chob...chob mak ma~
While O2 was full of candies, rainbows and butterflies, N2 was full of (my) tears, (my) envy and (my) admiration over Kao's dedication and perseverance. Lost count how many times I hit my pillow and yell when they were being sweet together 🤍🤍

Dang you, Phu. You got lucky!
End of N2

Start date: 21 Oct 2020, 12:38pm (MY)
Date: 24 Oct 2020, 9.57pm (MY)
Decided to proceed with the third novel since I'm bored AF lol

Start date: 25 Oct 2020, 1.13pm (MY)
Parm is ripped! Dang, didnt know he has time to visit the gym? 😂
Reminder...it started 12 years after O2 ended.
Hahahaa.. bodoh la. Tak pasal2 Jedi kena tuduh as pedophile 😂😂

First year students nowadays mmg tak takut mati agaknya. Faculty of Medicine should have their own SOTUS!
Jedi was a Faculty Moon, but ended up looking so shabby and homeless-like (as per 1st year student) once he becomes a real doctor. Kesian sia..
Eh jap..Berapa umur Jedi sebenarnya? Awat mak dia kata Jedi almost turns 30 while she is already in her 40s?

Jap, abes mak dia beranak umur berapa weh?!
*Parm passed over a shaver*

Parm: You looked shabby.
Parm: You looked dirty.

Hahahahaa...Jedi received his first attack from Parm (or should it be second?)
Hahahaha..Parm is so annoying! Phu is cold but kind, Parm is just plain annoying 😂😂😂
I legit just said 'Cerita apa ku baca ni weh..bodoh la hahahaha..'

Why budak 2 ekor ni awkward sangat ni weh.
Aww.. Kao is Parm's old friend after so many years 🥺

It's okay, Parm. Making friends is difficult in rl too..
*only friend*
What kind of universe is this? A husky, a rabbit and now a cat? Is this a zoo?
Parm is a combination of So + Kao + Phu 🥺

Cold like Phu, direct like Kao and shameless like So. I cant cope with this hot and cold personality.

In rl, I'd have run away from a person like Parm. Scary 🙃
Wait..Is Parm into biting as well? 🙀
Jedi amek segala benda pastu tak bawak wallet. Saje suh si Parm byrkan..mana belajar ni? Dengan Can ke? 😂
Parm punya flirting skill is equivalent to Phu kot. Bagi sekali, terdiam kawan dibuatnya 🤭
Salah...Parm is the prodigy of Kao!
I am totally uwu-ing when Parm said no one in his family likes to eat sweet things.. except Kao

Awwww 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Then I got mini heart when he said 'if including you, my family has two persons who like to eat desserts'

That's supeeeerr smooth! Omo!
I seriously believe that the Khun Naai, the owner of the private island where both Parm and Jedi are staying could be his father or Phu himself. This is so strange!
Parm: Camera ni penting, sapa pun tak boleh sentuh. P' Phu dengan Kao pun tak boleh sentuh.

Terciduk Jedi.. Haritu dia kemain pegang2 camera macam ada tulis nama sendiri je 😳
'My 'Like' means to like as a Lover'

Dah la weh..Penat la jadi single cam gini. Benda2 ni wujud dalam novel je weh. Wake up weh..wake up 😂
I kneeew it..I knew it! Khun Naai is Phu!!! Dang it! So his faen who likes to sit on the mountain is Kao. He built the pavilion for Kao and it has a pool area extended to the sea. Phu totally spoiled Kao to much.. mai chai~ Phu loves Kao too much! Dang~ I feel so single now
Phu is so sweet.

Siap letak nama Ashira dekat tiang pavilion 🥺

Phu, if you nak letak nama Athirah (my real name xD) pun boleh~ 🤭
My feelings atm 🥺🥺
Parm: If not my cat, then it wont be as comfortable as this.

Jadi je la cat, Jedi. Ko tengok si Kao jadi rabbit, ada own pavilion dekat private island kot.

Elok la korang tiga serangkai jadi husky, rabbit dengan cat. Nama pun BFF.
Kao: P' Phu da transfered duit tuk beli barang2 decor bilik (in written note)
Jedi: Tak penah check duit masuk dalam bank ke? Ke duit da masuk lama da?
Parm: Entah la..Tak penah plak check. Duit sendiri pun tak habis guna lagi ni 🤔

Me: Legit terkejut. Lupa pulak si Parm ni kaya
Catching feelings on chapter 20
Parm: Meh sini. Kemas barang2 elok2 dlm almari ni.
Bekas tu tutup ketat2 sikit. Pastu masuk dlm bag. Kang lupa pulak.
Jedi: Iye, tak lupa.
Parm: Dah bagitau mak tak, malam ni tido sini?
Jedi: Dah. Da bagitau siap2.

Eh, sabar je aku baca convo gaya ni😂
Parm ni ada gaya mak2 mcm P' Gui tau 😂
Saw wackozone's funny comment in chapter 29. Basically she saying / wishing someone like Parm will turn up in her life. But then foresee 2 situations gonna happen:
a) She would be oblivious AF
b) She will be creep out and reject him immediately

I can totally relate to her 🤣
Oh nooooo...Phu is here! Jedi, you are so dead 😱
Phu dengan Kao dikelilingi bodyguards dekat airport 🙀

Boleh lupa si Phu ni kaya-raya plak 😳
Ohooo...now talking on the phone with Mr Austin! Shia~ Mati la Jedi 🤣
End of the third novel

Start date: 25 October 2020, 1.13pm (MY)
Finish date: 27 October 2020, 8.46pm (MY)

This novel is waaaay longer that the other two. Plot and timeline a bit confusing but a worthwhile journey 🤍🤍
Comparing these three novels, I'd day N2 is the best. It feels more human and real? Kao is my most fav character and I love how Kao was persistent from the start till the end.

O2 universe is definitely my fav universe next to LBC universe.
I cant wait to read about N' Moon and N' Raa. But since I dont like to read on-going novel, I'd have to wait for the translation to be completed first 😭

Till then, bookmarking this thread for easy tracking 🤍
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