Hey if you want to attack me on anything, don't block me, then tag me, so that I could not see! This is a cowards moves! If anybody wants clarifications DM me! If you don't and want to believe this, then block me!
Ok! So I finally got a grip of the situation regarding this whole mess
This never happened! Anybody in the GC can confirm it.
It was a mistake coming from my part to consider them my age! BUT I DID NOT DO ANYTHING YOU SAID I DID!
Biggest lie of the day!
@FreakOutlander, @HanabiAkaii12, @Macross829 and @SmiSasusakuTS can confirm PEOPLE THAT WERE IN THE GC, NOT LIKE YOU!
Also private ain't equal a gc! Private means DM! Cuz I was willing to listen and explain to everybody.

Since Oct 18 I kept doing this in DM to whomever wanted to find out the truth.
When they supposedly talked to me, they didn't even listened to me, nor anybody's wishes several times it was asked to stop talking and let the people involved to talk, but we got cut off.
Plus FOR ME it was between 1 and 4 am when they talked.
I got a hold of the situation around 4 am and I didn't understood a thing until 5 in the morning.

So this been told, do you think you can sent a message clearly to someone at Saturday 4 am?
For your own knowledge, I was sexually assaulted at age 13(by a stranger on the street), 17(by a work colleague) and 18(by my boss). So I would never do that!
What exactly did I to incriminate myself? I said the truth and people acknowledged that and wanted to warn me that it can be taken ooc!
Plus I apologiazed IN THE GC (after all the screenshots you pulled out and I said I'll talk to them until 5 am for me)
🤨 you've been told wrong! like I showcased!
And several people can confirm the fact that I barely talked(in comparison to others) about anything sexual.
Me and a couple of others didn't expected those kids to be this knowledgeable, some people left +

cuz they felt uncomfortable talking about it and some people didn't wanted to say a word to them just read.
After I left the GC they went back it again(who was in the GC can speak if they want)
There is a person in the GC that screenshot everything, prior to me being there, if she wants to make them public that is her decision or she can sent the screeshots in the DM of who wants to know, but this "disagreement", started without me being there and ended up with me
acknowledging my mistake, apologiasing for my behavior and changing my bio to what is it right now, so for this to never happen again.
People in the GC, that I already tagged can confirm it can confirm it!
In the GC I showcased that I talked to a friend that is POC, but they ignored it, called her NON-black(Aaliyah), then stupid(Aaliyah) after I showcased again that she is, so who is at fault?
Anybody in the GC can confirm my story, including Aaliyah!
The fact is I did not hurt anybody! They did, prior to me being in the convo, by not listening to THEM without me being there and accepting their mistake after I left!
@HanabiAkaii12 and @Macross829 can confirmed it!
And you think did something good by falsely accusing someone of a crime they didn't commit based on some out of the context screenshots? When the people in the GC didn't wanted any of this, simply cuz ALMOST EVERYBODY admitted of not being a serious matter
So to end this! I already acknowledge my mistake in considering them my age and treating them as such, in the GC I said I'm sorry for it.
I apologiased 2 times for my actions, once in the GC and once publicly prior to this thread even been made like I showcased with the timestamp
And it took me some time do be able to find the right words again, cuz I knew that nobody would listen to me no matter of what I say, but for me it was more important to make sure that the people involved knew the truth https://twitter.com/nothing_since96/status/1317887237061812224
And once again after the thread was made.
A thread made without the consent of people inside the gc(outside of me). Everybody wanted this to go on private(aka just GC and DM) and without a public display, cuz I already acknowledged my mistake.
So for this thread to be made+
you needed the consent of everybody(outside me), with all the facts on the table, not some screenshots out of the context.

This been said, I'm gonna take a break from twitter, but who ever wants more details, can dm me and I will explain everything from top to bottom, if this
thread wasn't enough or you can go to the persons that I tagged for them to explain if you think this is better.

Stay safe and don't believe everything that everybody sais unless you talk to people that are involved and see both sides.
Seriously, can somebody tell her the truth? Cuz she is the one who seems to be manipulated
You can follow @tired_since96.
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