i'm gonna watch Chicken Little
wish me luck
i like how the first listed genre is "Disaster"
yeah, Disney+, it sure is
i forgot how fancy shmancy the castle in the intro was
"African language"
i do actually kinda like this gag though
i think the rabbit thing is also decently funny
kinda weird that they used Actual Indiana Jones here instead of a furry version

did they own Indy back then?
bruh i hate that turkey mayor
Chicken Little's real name is Ace Cluck

just putting that fun fact out there
Buck Cluck has always reminded me of my own dad

that's not remotely a compliment
i'm going to turn you into Thanksgiving leftovers, Turkey Lurkey
horridly abusive premise aside (imagine if they made a movie about the 9+10=21 kid or some shit), i can't imagine a movie rushed into development like this being any good

one year later and it's "coming soon"? you crazy?
"it was all over the papers, then they wrote a book about it, then the book on tape, then the board game, the little spoons with your face on it, and then the website, the commemorative plates... billboards... there's a bumper sticker"

what is the media cycle LIKE in this world?
"See, it's like a game! Yeah, a game of hide-and-seek, except the goal is never to be found, ever!"

is that not the goal of normal games of hide-and-seek?
wait, why is Buck only driving Ace to the bus stop? why not drive Ace all the way to school while you're already in the vehicle?
okay but ONE LITTLE SLIP is a certifiable banger
i would probably actually buy shorts with math equations on them

or pyjama bottoms? that'd be epic
desk don't fit

a school's abject failure to accommodate students' needs? most realistic part of the movie thus far
every fox furry be like this
don't @ me
is this politics?
Ace and his friends actually have pretty good chemistry

it's a shame they never call him by his real name
me with all my problems
Buck Cluck deadass named his son after his high school baseball nickname
Buck's attempts to dissuade his son from joining the baseball team kinda remind me of my own dad's pathetic attempts to convince me I wasn't actually queer

"Some teenagers, you know, they get quite a rush from dating girls"
is this furgonomics
wait, why don't any of the other doors in town have smaller doors in them? is Ace the only small person around or is it like an ableism thing?
this seems like a safety hazard
kid's gonna break his wrist or something
Fish out of Water is cracked, dude
is this the guy from Food Fight?
all things considered, "Today is a new day" ain't a bad set of Arc Words
i do like Turkey Lurkey's set of cue cards
i'm kind of a sucker for cue card gags though

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!, anyone?
Foxy Loxy gets her comeuppance
you love to see it
of course, it's only when Ace hits a home run that Buck Cluck is proud of him

ain't conditional love wonderful
hexagonal bed cover pattern
very subtle detail most people wouldn't notice
Ace's dad calls him "Ace" and he goes nuts with joy

though to be fair, if my dad actually called me Julie, i'd go a bit mad too
ok, hold on
the hexagon camouflage panels actually take up physical space, right? like they're a good inch thick
how has no one ever like, tripped over or stumbled upon that one that apparently hit Ace at the very beginning of the movie, in the course of a year
(Play dumb!)
"Who're we talkin about?"
(Not that dumb!)
"Friendship never ends!"

I assure you, Spice Girls, it definitely does
also this scene just has the most unsettling chemistry
is Fish a druggie or something
no thoughts, head empty
real sick of "pigs are fat haha" jokes
i kinda dig this scene tbh

it's better with the lightning flashes but i couldn't manage to screenshot those
the spaceship design is kind of a neat take on the classic "flying saucers"

i'd buy a LEGO set based on it, at least
the alien power armour whatever is legitimately kinda freaky
weird that they used a plasma globe to show off how alien the interior of the ship is
that's like, a cheap science trinket that anyone on our Earth can buy
they definitely based the Red Wisp from Sonic Colours on Kirby, right?

…has anyone made a chicken Sonic OC with a Red Wisp companion yet?
Chicken Little is still better at depicting hooves than a lot of furry artists I know
this takes place in our solar system, i guess
but why'd they make Neptune purple?
not related to the movie but why is Chrome so fucked up
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