Some days it is just mandatory to face a slog through the pandemic blues.
Our state is breaking records for cases, hospitalizations and intubations. Worse than when we went into lockdown.
State officials sending out warnings that risk is extreme, spread uncontrolled.

The collective dissociation from these facts is both staggering and alienating.
I’m glad I assigned the school/parents meeting about if we should return to face to face classes (why now when our stats are FAR WORSE than when school was suspended) to my husband.

I think the pervasive latent ablism would be too much to bear right now.
I find it very hard to talk with groups who are merely eager to “go back” as soon as possible to the before time.

It’s strange how unskilled most people are at releasing and re-organizing their dreams and wishes.
Life has required that of me so many times.

Is it really true that so many have had to give up so little that they refuse to even contemplate loss?

What must their lives be like? I cannot even imagine.
Its also sort of amazing to me that so many seem to feel that they can/should be able to control social/historical forces so much greater than the force of their individual preferences.

Sometimes you just have to let historical events prune you, and change your course.
I feel like life made that an absolutely mandatory lesson from my earliest memories onward.

I don’t quite understand how so many seem to have successfully avoided being forced to learn that.

Its kind of impressive in a horrible way I suppose.
I mean, I almost envy it,
except that I don’t.
I mean, the people closest to me and that I spend all my time talking to are people who have survived the unthinkable somehow. The Holocaust, acts of violence and abuse, the death of children or partners. Adoptees whisked across the world and assigned new lives by strangers.
People who have wrestled with great, existential crises.

Sure, as a therapist my sample is skewed. And of course it is HARD. But I am strangely surprised that so many explicitly refuse to contemplate or acknowledge their losses.
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