[tw: transphobia, specifically hate/discrimination against non-binary people]

This take is actually so incredibly shitty I feel the need to take it tweet by tweet and explain, as a non-binary person, exactly *why* it’s so shitty.

So buckle up, I guess. Because I am *mad*. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300305000910848
First, I want to say how truly sorry I am that the OP feels he is the minority as a trans man.

That is not everyone’s experience.

I cannot find any services for non-binary trans people where I live. My wife has to present as a binary trans person to access services.
As I have already mentioned, there are literally no services for non-binary trans people where we live. In order to access services, you must present as a binary trans person. I can’t even get medical professionals to use my correct name and pronouns ffs let alone “have spaces”. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300306364039170
“Don’t understand”?

“Just a phase”?

Who the fuck are you?

How can you tell?

Do you have a crystal ball?

Can you tell the future?

You sound like my evangelical Christian mom when she was listing her reasons for beating the gay out of me & putting me in conversion therapy. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300308087869440
And so the fuck what if some of them detransition?

That’s literally what support groups are for: to help people work through feelings.

Imagine some kid coming there, meeting you, & ending up hating themselves because they don’t think they’re “trans enough”. Good job. Fuck you. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300309421662208
This is literally exactly what it is.

It’s you bullying people for not fitting into the idea of what YOU think a trans person “should” be and telling people they’re not allowed in your sandbox because you don’t think they’re “good enough”. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300310717628416
“Cannot/will not pass”


For years, I didn’t want to transition.

Or, I told myself I didn’t.

The truth?

I didn’t think there was anything that could help me.

I didn’t think there was surgery or hormones that could make my body anything that would “fit”. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300313129472001
See, I also have an eating disorder.

I have body dysmorphia.

Any changes to my body terrify me.

I tried to put on a binder *once* and I had a breakdown.

I didn’t think I looked “manly” or “androgynous”.

I thought I looked like a fat woman.

I have spent countless nights sobbing on the bathroom floor because I will probably never “pass”. I will always be gendered as a cis woman. No matter what I do. My breasts are too large. My body is that of a cis woman’s. Hormones won’t change that. Binding won’t change that.
And I have to push that to the back of my head to exist.

So I tell myself I am okay with my breast and my period and everything else.

And it builds up until I end up sobbing on the bathroom floor.

And I then I pick myself up and forget about it as long as I can.
This is true.

Binary and non-binary people face different marginalizations.

But that doesn’t mean that non-binary people don’t face marginalizations.

As a non-binary person, I am constantly coming out, constantly having to explain what “non-binary” is. People don’t get it. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317300314366758912
For some reason, people can grok binary trans people. They can’t grok non-binary trans people.

I have been “out” at work for almost a year now. I still can’t get people to use my pronouns, and I still have people deadname me. It’s exhausting.
In contrast, I’ve worked with binary trans coworkers who have been immediately gendered correctly and had their proper name used all the time with no expectation of pats on the back.

But every time someone genders me correctly, I’m expected to throw them a party.
You’re just a bad person.

Like, you’re just a horrible person and you should feel horrible about yourself.

It’s people like you that make my depression surrounding my gender worse. Because I know I don’t pass. And I won’t pass. And I already don’t feel “trans enough”.
But you’re right.

We should make support in the trans community based on your criteria:

- How well you pass
- You should need to be exactly sure of every intervention you want and that plan should never change
- Your relationship to your gender should never change
- Only binary trans people deserve support. If you just want to talk about your feelings surrounding your gender, you are obviously not trans enough, and should obviously have “separate spaces” with all the other transtrenders who will just detransition anyway.
Okay, reupping this thread because this person is still on his bullshit & I am here for my non-binary siblings.

Saying, “I’m sorry people were offended,” isn’t an apology. Fuck off with that shit. You worded things exactly the way you wanted to word them. You were crystal clear. https://twitter.com/thefreshfinnsta/status/1317672145787494400
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