Thank you so much to the public health professionals who responded with input and edits to this doc! I'll continue to update it. Also, contact tracer @tnlzmabrey has kindly offered to answer some more situational questions in the thread below.
I’m asking about some personal behaviors that I may learn are irresponsible, and if I do, I’ll change my behaviors. I’m also asking about behaviors of people around me. If you happen to be a person around me who has done these things--
Please know that our goal of asking and answering these questions publicly is not to project blame onto anyone’s actions up til now, but to help all of us make informed decisions for our communities moving forward.
Also, I’m assuming that none of these are no-risk behaviors, so am not looking to determine which are “safe” and which are “unsafe,” but rather if there are any behaviors that have been perceived as “pretty safe/not too risky” that an expert would consider “too risky/not okay.”
Q: I’ve been going for walks without a mask on, only putting one on if I’m approaching others. I also have some friends who go on runs without masks on; some will only mask up if those they’re passing are masked. How risky does this feel to you? Would you advise any changes?
Q: The relative safeness of being outside has led to different behaviors -- wearing masks but getting within 6 feet of others, not wearing masks but staying distanced, wearing masks and staying distanced, and neither wearing masks nor staying distanced. What would you advise?
Q: There’s also a socializing spectrum -- from only being with our own households in person, to seeing the same group of 3-5 people while outdoors/masked/distanced, to “quarantine bubbles” of various numbers of people that interact outdoors or even indoors. What’s the deal here?
Q: Straight up, is socializing indoors with anyone outside our households ever okay? If so, under what circumstances?
Q: A number of POC have pointed out the phenomenon of white folks traveling during COVID. There’s a lot here. But how safe is traveling, actually? And if people have to fly, is testing negative enough to ensure they’re keeping those around them safe, or should they also isolate?
Q: Straight up, if you have to travel anywhere, what should you do and not do?
🥏 Q: In the past few weeks, I’ve expanded past throwing and started doing a marking drill once a week, with the same three people. The person I mark is in my household; the other two are far away. Is this okay, or should we stop it? And should marking buddies wear masks?
🥏 Q: I thought mini wasn’t okay, but I really don’t know. Some friends are playing masked mini in the same “closed bubbles” of 4-6 people who are all “accepting the risks” within their bubbles. There are many others playing unmasked mini too. What should we actually be doing?
🥏 Q: Straight up, is practice or pickup at this point ever okay? If so, under what circumstances?
Q: If a person comes into contact with someone who’s COVID-positive, should they isolate and get tested regardless of symptoms? Is a negative test enough to keep everyone in their household safe? And should they isolate even after receiving a negative test result?
Q: It’s pretty hard to shake an individualistic mindset about COVID safety when we were all socialized in such an individualistic culture. Can you share anything else that could help us, as a community, be more thoughtful about our collective safety?
Now that people are reading this thread and looking for answers to the last question:
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