I see we are having the "X is a basic life skill" discourse again

So once again, I would like to remind any disabled people that you're not a ["failure", "burden," "child"] if you can't independently do the "basic life skill" everyone is talked about today
We absolutely shouldn't gender things like cooking and other household tasks, sewing on a button, changing a tire, etc

But also this "basic life skill" meme format consistently excludes disabled people and it's so exhausting
I know if you shared one of those "X is a basic life skill" posts, you probably were not thinking about how it applies to, say, disabled people who are bedbound

But uh forgetting we exist is a form of ableism soo please do better in the future, thank you.
Also while you're here, I just wanted to point out that a lot of those "silly" kitchen gadgets people complain about (e.g. banana slicers) are actually made to help disabled people, but marketed to the masses so they'll be more profitable

Also pre-sliced foods are something that helps many disabled people be able to cook for themselves, but people love to call them "lazy" and just...could you not https://crippledscholar.com/tag/orangegate/ 
Another thing that helps many disabled people live?

Plastic straws.

Yes, we have heard of your suggested alternatives! No, many disabled people cannot use them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR3HEky04JVqEziVI9YVUgAPuI5ngr6jDdjdX7VGUR26JOMHBIaUVBiWl7g&feature=youtu.be&v=uRy_0IEwxMw
Also? All the adaptive tools that can help some disabled people be able to do "basic life skills" (🙃) independently?

Insurance doesn't cover those! And they're frequently more expensive than the default versions.

Check out the #CripTax tag to find out more
[Murder of an Indigenous person, racism, medical assault, settler violence]

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