For the first time in my life, police just entered my home address. It was a mistake. Thread on reflections, and advice for officers.

I was having a nap. When I opened my eyes, 3 officers were knocking on my bedroom door (well into my home). I could think of no reason for this.
Let's call the officers X, Y, and Z. It's important because they were all very different.

My first questions: what power, any warrant, why are you inside.

Officer X said he had a warrant. He said they came inside because 'the door was unlocked', and they were concerned about...
... the occupants safety. This is nonsense (and there was no warrant). Don't be like Officer X. Don't make things up.

Officer Y was calm, and well-mannered. He explained they were here under Sec 17, to effect arrest, of a named individual whose last known address was this one.
He may have provided a fake address. Or he may have been an occupant a long ago (we only moved in here a couple of months ago).

This meant that as soon as the officers confirmed my ID, any reasonable grounds to believe Person Z would be here to effect arrest, seized.
The Officers would have no power to be in my home. Officer Y understood this, and as soon as my ID was confirmed, invited all officers to leave.

Officer X on the other hand, uninvited, went to my living room. He continued to be argumentative about powers he had. I said leave.
Having three, random men enter your home, is not a pleasant experience, police or not police. It is an invasion of privacy. It is an insult to personal space.

Purporting to have an inexistent warrant, being rude, and lying, to a member of the public in their own home...
That is added insult to injury, and fails community trust.

This is the community you need to cooperate with you, answer pertinent questions, and assist investigations.
To the public: please be well-informed about your rights.

More importantly, to the police, please train your officers to be courteous and understanding about what it means to enter someone else's home without permission.
Also, thanks for messages. I am completely fine.

Mistakes are made, and that is OK. Mindfulness when using intrusive powers is not lost, tho.

I also just checked, and our porter was given no info. He couldve confirmed details of occupant on entry at lobby, and all this avoided.
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