1/It's been an interesting few days! Guess I'm not really surprised that some don't want to share the code and models underlying their publications. Am surprised that some think that AI research is in the vanguard of materials sharing expectations or practice.

My response: lol
2/Meanwhile in genomics, the mainstream discussion over the past few years has been whether putting a @github link in the manuscript is sufficient or if code needs to be deposited in an independent repository like @ZENODO_ORG. (My opinion is the latter.) https://zenodo.org/communities/hoffmanlab/
3/In molecular biology generally, it's long been a black letter requirement of reputable journals that all DNA sequences be deposited in GenBank/ENA/DDBJ. So long that I don't even know when it started. In the 1980s or 1990s. Folks who were there can say more.
4/Sensitive human genetic data is deposited in dbGaP or EGA where qualified researchers can apply for access. This isn't a perfect system, but it's way better than "data available on request" or the data not being available to others at all. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap/ 
5/Expected access to materials in molecular biology goes beyond code and data to include access to physical biological artifacts! Third-party services facilitate this as well.
6/To share plasmids used for genetic engineering, researchers deposit @Addgene. Here are >200 plasmids that 2020 Nobel Chemistry laureate @doudna_lab shares. These and other @Addgene plasmids facilitated the CRISPR revolution in biology research. https://www.addgene.org/Jennifer_Doudna/
7/Cell lines and microbes are deposited at @officialatcc for use by others. https://www.atcc.org/Products 
9/Widespread sharing of materials at publication time allows us to stand on the shoulders of giants more easily, building on the work of others with less friction. It is part of why molecular biology and genomics have thrived in recent decades.
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