if there is one thing that galls me, it's the self righteous sanctimony of partisan weather vane "experts" like @KrutikaKuppalli making appeals to their own authority and trying to shame others into silence

but when you pile rank hypocrisy on top of that, it becomes intolerable.

she loves to hector others on what an expert she is and expressing that "she knows the science" and you don't.

the issue here is that she's a partisan liar

she agreed with what scott is saying now as recently as march. she said that was science
it turns out she used to know the science as recently as february of this year.

scott's science. the actual science.

march really as that flight picture is from march 11.
but good luck finding it. she deleted it.

it used to be here.

but the internet remembers krutika. it always does.

this is why i'm screenshotting all of this.

for posterity.
here she is AGAIN extolling her expertise & explaining that this is based in "evidence" & telling people (correctly) that masks are epidemiological cosplay.

if you are on the side of science, you should not wear a mask.

now she is just a fountain of empty credentialism.
yesterday, she is once more proudly proclaiming herself to be on the side of science, yet retweeting this pseudoscientific garbage that she herself would have and did call pseudoscientific garbage in back march.

quite a volte face, non?
from this strong excoriation of masks once more rooted in her "expertise."
don't wear masks. i am SO tired of you guys questioning my expertise when i say this!!!

i know the science. listen to me.
to "let's attack scott for not being a real expert for believing everything i said was the expert consensus this spring.

this is as shameful as it is pathetic.

it's a power and grant hungry phony pointing in whatever direction she thinks will best serve her.
it's not medical science, it's political science and kuppalli is everything she purports to hate: a fake expert adopting a self serving position of convenience to serve her personal goals.

self righteous hypocrisy is grotesque.

it has no place in science, medicine, or policy.
it's painfully obvious that she abandoned her actual beliefs and training and switched jerseys to the other team in hopes of being on the winning side and reaping personal benefits

trying to wrap that in a cloak of virtue should disqualify her from the public trust

she's a hack
sorry, gotta tack on more on the end.

here she is attacking other docs for recommending masks.

switches teams, plays the same game.

do we think she knows it was hippocratic oath and not hyppocritic oath?

(and this woman has testified to congress)
sorry, these are just too good.

today vs march.

this is about to become some sort of hypocrisy singularity.
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