"How could Dream have cheated if he livestreamed? What's going on with Dream's accusations? Why are people saying Dream cheated?" How Dream COULD have cheated; a thread, from an unbiased perspective.
Yesterday, someone tweeted out a set of data they took from rewatching DreamWasTaken's livestreams, saying that the amount of pearl trades Dream got out of what was possible was much, much higher than average.
The chance of this amount of pearl trades was 10^-13%, or 0.0000000000001%. That's 1 in over 10 TRILLION. The Minecraft Java Edition http://speedrun.com  mods are using this as the central idea as to why he may be cheating, as this sample was taken over a long period of time.
"How could he have done this while livestreaming? We saw what he was doing?" We know Dream knows his code. He's created so many plugins that we know he has it in him to create something like this.
Additionally, Dream is showed as using Fabric Launcher for 1.16 - this is allowed, to permit the usage of performance-enhancing mods Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor...
...but also creates an easy gateway to install more mods, one of which could be affecting the RNG (random number generator) of his speedruns, which is what he's currently being accused of.
He could have installed a mod, or edited the code of Minecraft, before the stream started, and not shown it on stream.
However, as unlikely as this is - similar to the chances of being struck by lightning twice in the same day - this isn't complete evidence that he did cheat. It's *technically* possible, and there's no hard evidence that he did or didn't.
There's no other way people are accusing him (specifically, his 6th place 1.16 run in 19:24) of cheating. Common cheaters would use a set seed and claim it was random. We're not accusing his 1.16 run of being a set seed.
We haven't reached a conclusion yet, and it will probably go on for a long time. REMEMBER THERE'S NO EVIDENCE EITHER WAY at the moment. It's a decision for the mods to make, and their say will be final.
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