Online fan cons should really remain a thing, even outside of a pandemic. The con feeling is still fully there, you can attend with friends from all over the world without having to expensively travel abroad and it just works!
No seriously. Because most big, specialised and/or worth it cons take place in different countries (I live in a tiny country that has maybe 2 gamer/fantasy cons and three small anime cons a year + a mini tolkien meetup ) and travelling + getting a hotel room is seriously out of..
my budget (especially if the con is to take place in places like the UK or US where things cost an arm and a leg) plus I’m super anxious and cannot attend events without a friend to latch on to, I’ve only ever physically attended one single con...that was in Prague...
and unfortunately focused on anime. (I do not watch anime. I attended because my friends were going and I wanted to experience a con)
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