Personally speaking my relationship with my GM, mom, aunts, cousins forged the respect and concern i have for Black women, my relationship with my daughters enhanced my concern and made me champion their cause even against prior predispositions. My relationship with my wife...1
2. is like the fulcrum that balances and supports both my love for the previous generation and the future one.

I am a Black man, but without the Black women in my life I would not be who I am TO Black women.

Without their perspectives and empathy for their struggles, how I...
3..related to Black women would be deeply altered, esp given the public images displayed regarding some Black women. But I can never view them like that because they are my family which in turn has allowed me to have them as friends. I remain almost “toxic” in many of my...
4..opinions but they love me as I love them in the “folly” of theirs. Having a healthy relationship with Black women its easy to see those who didn’t. Almost as easy as it is to see black men who had no father figure. It shows in their interactions & lack of “basic” compassion..
5..They become either simps or abusers, BOTH of which stem from an unhealthy objectification of women and not healthy interpersonal relationships.

It is these healthy interpersonal, multigenerational relationships you look for and assume when acknowledging a black person...
6..and specifically a black candidate.

Her “blackness” aside, Kamala Harris has no interpersonal or multigenerational relationships with black men. Her father is estranged (he claims Indian), her husband’s a white man, her children are white women. You’ll never remind her...
7..of her uncle, she’ll never look at us with a maternal empathy. She’s never given birth to a Trayvon or Tamir, thats why she refused to prosecute. Her only notable relationship with a black man has been scandalous and adulterous. None healthy....
8..Is she is a better candidate than Trump, quite possibly. But sell her as that. Let the relationship be to black men exactly as it was to Willie Brown, completely transactional. Stop trying to sell her as a black woman because whether shes one or not she can never be one TO us
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