Gemini & Aquarius Placements

Are the challenges you’ve been going through to prove your worth to this person worth all the mental turmoil it puts you in? You should take a detached approach & consider making choices not only for your own good, but with caution. -
You’ve started to become a bit codependent & very fond of this person, when they aren’t giving you attention you may begin to spiral & that’s a clear indication that you’re exceeding your own personal boundaries. You need to come back to your center & own energy again. -
This shouldn’t be a high speed race to the finish line, you still have much you don’t know about each other & events yet to unfold. Don’t spend all your time worried about their movements & feelings when they haven’t even asked you about yours. Equal effort is key here. -
You know your worth at the end of the day & if they aren’t doing anything to prove that they want the same as you, take that over their word even if they are a smooth talker. 777; candles, having met online; brown/blue eyes; Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, & Sagittarius placements.
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