AGAD-TANTRA(अगदतन्त्र) :: Ancient Indian TOXICOLOGY

• Science of poisons and their treatment [agad] ( नास्ति गदो यस्मात् )

• By which the body System is protected, it is called the Tantra( त्रायते शरीरमनेनेति तन्त्रम् )

• It is branch of Ayurveda [ Danshtra chikitsa]
According to Hareet samhita -
" The action[ Science] of destroying the venom of snake, scorpion and spider is called Vish Tantra[ Agad tantra]"

According to Stedman: Medical Dictionary
" The Science of poisons,their source, Chemical composition, Action,tests and antidotes"
Nature/Def. of POISON [ विष ]
•Derived from root विष् + क (ka) which means Encircle,clog i.e,the matter that gets into the bodyand quickly permeates
•The matter which comes into contact with the psychosocial system of the animal or enters its body to produce grief or take life
Texts Related to AGAD-TANTRA
•charak samhita
•shushrut samhita
•kashyap samhita
•hareet samhita
•bhav prakash
•chikitsa kalika
•shangdhar samhita
•astanga sangrah
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