So apparently I have a fan club here in HK that I’ve blocked due to harassment but somehow they find their way to stay very up to date in my life. First non-constructive bad thing to hear about mind games from them.
These people have been harassing me in high school. Calling my phone number, laughing, then hanging up. I’ve said multiple worries in surrender because i believed there was reason to their action
I call these type of people a “highschool phase“. I used to be friends with them. We all had friends at some point who’d be so insecure the only humour they find are through making fun of other people. Bullying people.
i was gonna continue this thread but whats really bothering me is that I actually used to be someone who would hate on someone ”just cause” there’s some thing you don’t like about them....but really,,, they bother you because you’re insecure so
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