“Some of the risk factors of violent extremism identified are increasing nationwide: social isolation, financial stress, job loss, loss of loved ones and significant changes or uncertainty in life. My team also found that some groups would perceive public health measures... 1/ https://twitter.com/neusummits/status/1317211512738557952
...as government overreach infringing on rights and liberties, which might encourage anti-government extremists. And we observed foreign actors and domestic violent extremists spreading disinformation about the pandemic to foment discord and encourage violence.” 2/
“In March, anticipating the effects of the lockdowns and the need for national unity, my team developed a messaging campaign to help leaders build resilience within communities. Although the materials were approved within DHS, they were” held up by the WH Covid-19 Task Force. 3/
“Though lockdowns were necessary public health measures that saved thousands of lives, they exacerbate risk factors and stressors that contribute to violence, and no amount of resource reallocation in the national security and law enforcement agencies can change that.” 4/
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