Average Testosterone levels have collapsed in the last century due to a number of factors.

It leaves men looking and feeling weak and soft and pathetic.

Weak men destroy civilisation.

Avoid all that lowers your test and embrace all that boosts it.

Culprits + solutions below:
Being fat.

Fat tissue increases your estrogen which tells your body that it has enough testosterone. The more fat on your body the lower your testosterone (within reason).

Stop being fat. You know how. If you don't, find out and do it.

Getting below 15% body fat is easy.

Have zero vegetable oils. Replace completely with animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil. Cholesterol is used to make hormones.

Soy and vegetable oil are in MOST foods that come in a packet. Read the labels on everything.
Environmental toxins.

Non-stick pans destroy your testosterone. This is not bro science, this is real. Never use them. Only stainless steel and iron.

Avoid plastic containers and utensils.

Wash with old fashioned soap not "shower gel". Stop rubbing toxins on your balls.

Sunlight on your skin increases testosterone so get outside every day.

On your bare chest and back is better than face and hands. Sunlight on your testicles is best. This will boost your test to the stratosphere.

Sun your balls.
If you do all this and your testosterone is still awful then you should look into TRT, especially if you're post-40.

But do all this and you should look and feel strong and powerful and courageous.

With optimal testosterone you will look and feel like a man.
You can follow @WilliamCassing1.
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