On Pronouns, Schools and Ties

In the west of Scotland, it would be common to get asked what school you went to. Now this is nothing to do with schools, it is an oblique way of asking if you are Catholic or protestant religion. This would determine how people reacted to
you and whether or not to beat you up.
In The generation before me, it could also be used to determine outcomes of job interviews in the same way that dodgy handshakes can still do.

Similarly, at the upper end of society, wearing a specific university tie can be used
as a statement to suggest status and inclusion in 'the old boys network'. In this regard both are seen as social cues to determine people's reaction to you and to make your allegiances known.
Anyone with a cursory understanding of manners should be aware that it is impolite
to refer to someone in the third person when you are in their presence. So what purpose can introducing yourself with 3rd person Pronouns serve on meeting someone?
Well, just like religious affiliation it sets up predetermined assumptions about people.
If you respond in
kind, it tells the trans person you will indulge their fantasies and quasi-religious identity ideology-you are one of them.
If you refuse, it warns both parties to be 'en garde' for linguistic sparring and opportunities to find offence and scream transphobia because you are
an unbeliever.
In this regard it is akin to a direct challenge. No other religious or political affiliation would be tolerated in normal interactions.
Indeed, we actively avoid such comparisons and see religious affiliation as private and personal to
avoid such disagreements.

It also legitimises the ideology if everyone is indoctrinated in it. Think "argumentum ad populum"; if everyone believes it it must be true.
Thing is, lots of people do not believe!
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