All of this aside, I do often wonder about the hyper focus of men who only ever want to discuss date rape when it comes to this topic and somehow skim past the thousands of date rape cases that happen worldwide. Its amazing how men only ever want to talk about this though.
"I'm not deflecting from my own bro culture. I'm protecting women, bro"
Men like this don't give a shit about date rape and how it devastates the lives of women the world over.

Men like this simply want to use the emotive, devastating idea of rape to engage in their violent fantasies.

They do not give a fuck about women. Sick fucking rats.
Men like this have no desire to actually do anything to contribute to a culture where sexual violence is under reported and brings low conviction rates. Why would they? Men are the ones that do most of the fucking sexual violence.
Why would it be in the interests of men like this to talk about the wider issues of women being raped when they can weaponise it instead to indulge their violent fantasies?

You're right. There is nothing women can have - except you let the bros in.
Men who only tweet about "rape" to whip up a moral panic should be put on a fucking watch list.
As I said, men like this should be on a watch list.
amazing how Hewitt gets angry at women, esp lesbians, pointing out he doesn't care about rape - accusing them of projection (??). Redacted her name/handle as she seems private & am not sending a flood of attention from my account. someone DMed I made an error so have fixed it
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