Excerpts from The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. to help shed light on the way to go as regard the #EndSARS #ReformPoliceNG protest going on across the country.

A thread.
Before the Boycott started, Martin Luther King Jr. thought about the morality of the method of protesting - the Boycott.

In spite of the fact that the Black community had a legitimate demand, they still thought about the morality of their method.

Would anyone suffer unjustly?
On the first day of the protest, Martin Luther King Jr. noticed that at the peak of the morning traffic, no more than eight Negro passengers rode the bus.

Almost everyone in the Black community cooperated.

Now, what happened next?
Leaders in the community discussed the need for some organisation to guide and direct the protest because everything happened spontaneously.
They decided to elect officers and Martin Luther King Jr. was made the President of the Association.

They formed an ad hoc organisation called the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA).
During the course of the meeting they suggested that the identities of the leaders be concealed but this suggestion was rejected.
They deliberated on whether or not to continue with the protest and on the formulation of their demands.
The meeting was well attended and everyone was in support of the resolution.
Everyone keyed into the vision of the protest.
The leaders of the Association met with the City Officials and tried to negotiate.
The movement was met by tough resistance from the government and the other groups.
Martin Luther King's house was bombed.
We can pick lessons from this as regard the need for strategy, organisation and leadership.

Like someone said this is not a sprint but a marathon.

The Montgomery Boycott lasted for over a year...

To anyone curious enough, the title of the book is The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Edited by Clayborne Carson.
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