Thread: 1. Recently there’s been a proliferation of pro-Iran thuggish youth groups threatening to silence whoever they deem against their ideology. A plethora of these groups have been created in an attempt to deny responsibility.
2. This is a list of some of the groups behind recent arsons in Baghdad. Rab’a Allah (God’s fellows), Jabhat Abu Jeddahah (people of lighter's front), al-Zelm al-Khashnah (tough guys), Fariq Fatemiyoun al-Maydani (Fatemiyoun field group), Jond Soleimani (Soleimani’s soldiers)...
3...Shabeebat al-Safwa (youth of purity) among others.This is to some extent similar to the strategy of ‘new’ pro-Iran militias attacking US interests in Iraq. Most of these groups are in Baghdad, but they are trying to organize similar activities in other cities such as Kirkuk.
4. The main group behind these groups is Kata'ib Hezbollah. Note this woman from KH-affiliated Zaynabiyat organization taking part in today's attack. But they draw on members of other militias such as Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and even Badr Organization in these attacks.
5. In this Facebook post, Abu Wala'a al-Muqawem, commander of the special unit in Jonud Allah (God's soldiers) who is a Turkman young man from Kirkuk area is organizing for an attack on KDP office in Kirkuk.
6. Among people he has tagged is Ahmad As'ad who is pictured here with KH Abu Fadak, acting Chief of PMF staff. Ahmad As'ad is commander of special forces in the PMF north axis. He is a Turkman KH commander from Tuz Khurmatu.
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