The Opposition has informed the public that despite the proposed #20A's very profound impact on the whole country:

(a) It isn't being allowed adequate time for debate in the House, with only 2 days (insufficient) instead of the requested 4 - or even 3 days being given;
(b) The #20A Bill is even totally denied due consideration by the relevant Parliament Oversight Committee before debate by suspending the relevant Standing Orders, despite total lack of unanimity on the Bill (unlike in the case of the 19A, which had all-party consensus);
(c) Fixing the debate to commence hurriedly on Oct 21, 2020 when the official Supreme Court determination is made known by the Speaker only on the day before (Oct 20, 2020) gives inadequate time for the Opposition to properly study the official document before the debate;
(d) Taking steps to pass such important legislation that will have profound impact and implications for the whole country in this way at a time when the country is struggling to face another wave of the #COVID19SL pandemic, is contrary to parliamentary democracy itself; and
(e) These very serious concerns and firm objections of the Opposition have been totally disregarded and the #20A debate has been fixed for debate and vote on Oct 21 & 22, 2020 by the Government, arbitrarily abusing its majority in pursuit of a clear agenda for dictatorship.
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