I wonder if ‘Tier 0’ had been able to remain as the status quo, had EVERYBODY, from age 6, to age 106 obeyed social distancing, visiting rules, and ‘the rule of 6’.

(thread - yawn)
There has not been a century in the history of the U.K. when there has not been rebellion.. so perhaps infections were always going to rise..

Britain (broadly) loves the Queen, loves queuing - but doesn’t like being told what to do/how to vote etc
I think a lot of the problem is population density, and people living on top of each other in high rises. It doesn’t take too much Captain Hindsightery to see that young adults starting/going back to Uni was always going to see a COVID spread..
..however.. frankly what is the point of Russel Group + Universities *if* everything is on Zoom? How does this differ from Open University, given so much of university is experiential?

I do feel for Uni students ☹️
The only way the U.K. could have got daily COVID infections to < 10 is via a full lockdown “until track & trace is fixed”, with service sector wages furloughed at 100%, business rates and corporation tax frozen, plus private healthcare levels of mental health healthcare..
..see THIS is the problem.. circuit break / lockdown fanatics have little regard for jobs / job prospects, which - shock horror have a huge effect on mental health, and the “we must get the economy moving NOW” fanatics have little regard for personal responsibility in a Pandemic.
I commend this budget to the house.
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