Hello @MyCafcass & @Ofstednews is like to tell you about my 1st officer, she downplayed domestic violence but failed to investigate a serious issue at a place of work involving abuse of children. I was bullied into unsafe contact for my 20 month old. A thread please read.
I was accused of lying & parental alienation, at that point the litigant had only briefly met our child. I caught the officer lying in an email & I made a complaint. It went straight to the officer & she said it was “miscommunication of the truth.” This was back in 2015.
The bullying involved threats of child abuse & having my child removed or to go to prison. We fast forward to 2018 public law & social services & @Mycafcass involved again. A guardian this time. More bullying into telling my now 6 year old into telling L.O about court.
If I didn’t allow L.O to be told I was not cooperating with authorities. We get interviewed once. She relies on social services who took my ex on trust. Big mistake. He lied to them exaggerated my mental health issues & I’m tested by Psychologist who relies on SW evidence.
Guess what psychologist finds me unfit to look after my child. Lockdown occurs nothing happens a few visits from S.W that’s it. Thought all fine. Wrong. Concerns upped because I chose to homeschool so therefore I’m abusing L.O daily now. So why no daily visits?
L.O back at school, deeply entrenched behavioural issues gone. Nothing. School agrees. 6 months of lockdown with her abuser & for the 1st time no concerns are reported? Righty oh then. The final verdict. @MyCafcass not been in year. Sides with S.W evidence.
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