I'm coming to the end of an online semester. It's been camera-on for me, and camera-off for them (Apart from one week where I ran a section camera off, and we all agreed it was weirdly awkward). I've model my approach on Twitch video game let's play livestreamers. https://twitter.com/slowtech2000/status/1316721123619475461
I'm the focal point of facilitation, so we need the rich media cues from me. For the students, it's audio and text, and we've had times where the class literally lined up in the chat window, and self moderated their order for audio contributions.
For breakout rooms, which I make a point of not attending, they'll go to video with each other where it's comfortable, or they feel safe.

For student consults, they'll often show up in full video, because it's a personal/private conversation.

Thing is, they're showing up.
My online seminar attendance rates are vastly better than the face to face attendance rates of the past ::decade::

My undergraduates are present, connected, engaged, and participating at rates not seen in a long time. Zoom breakout rooms are creating better interpersonal bonds
All of this success without requiring cameras on when we're in the main education lobby, and inviting cameras on when we're in the breakout chats.
Also(1) I'm really expressive with the visual cues, the active listening, and the body language. (helps I've played silent characters who communicates solely through body language in LARP games). Plus, I've genuinely enjoyed the experience, and it comes across the body language
You can follow @stephendann.
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