This reminds me of an infuriating moment I had at a private press event a few years back...
A woman came up, was introduced by a friend and just starting trying to talk shop with me. I was eating. She was drunk. And getting a bit belligerent.
Apparently she was a veteran in TV journalism or some shit. After a few min she started complaining about how these events have gone downhill. I ask what she means and she points to two people on the other side of the room and spits out the word "bloggers" and makes a puke face.
Obviously she had no idea my backstory so I stopped her and said, "Thanks for the conversation but as someone who started as a 'horror blogger' I respectfully recuse myself from speaking with you further."
The look on her face...

Anyway Heather is absolutely right. And I've been seeing a lot of this recently. There's already a lot of negativity in the world as is. Let's not beat each other down for doing what we love. Which is the exact same thing.
And Heather is fucking modest. She's a beast in this field. The amount of quality work she ours out is supernatural. I really have no idea where she gets that energy from.
Anyway, I guess the moral of this story is:

Elitist journos suck.
Heather does not suck.
Most of you reading this don't suck.
And it's sucks that 11 pm is now consider ed past my bedtime.

Goodnight friends. Be excellent to each other.
(shout out to the typo in this thread)
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