Happy Navratri to my Twitter Family. May Devi Maa bless you all with prosperity and good health. Here is a small thread about Navratri Navratri celebrations in different parts of India. We are all one with so many uniqueness. Enjoy the fasting and feasting. Jai mata ki.
1. In north India, Navratri are celebrated as the victory of Lord Ram on the demon king Ravan. Nine days of Navratri are dedicated to nau avtaras of Devi Durga. Devotees do nine days fasting, havans and Kanya puja on the day of Ashtami or Navmi. Dussehra is celebrated on Dashmi.
2. In most parts of the Eastern India, Navratri is celebrated as Durga Puja. I marks the victory of Maa Durga on the powerful demon Mahishasur. Big decorated pandals are made with massive Idols of Maa Durga. Devotees feast on delicacies to celebrate this joyous occasion.
3. In Gujrat, people enjoy Navratri with Dandiya Raas and Gharbha. People worship Maa Ambey during nine nights of this festival and observe Jagran(a ritual of being awake whole night in devotion of Devi Maa). Most Devotees observe fast or eat Satvik meals for the whole period.
4. In the state of Maharashtra, Devotees observe a special ritual called Ghatasthapana(establishing an earthen pot filled with water on a bed of mud) on the first day of Navratri.This vessel symbolizes Maa Durga and Women worship the pot for nine day by performing special rituals
5.Andhra Pradesh celebrates Navratri as Batukamma Panduga. The nine days are dedicated to Maha Gauri. Women make a beautiful seasonal flower stacks called Batukamma, arranged in seven concentric layers. At the end of the festival these stacks are set afloat in water body.
6. In Karnataka, Navratri is referred to as Dasara. Yakshagana, a night-long dance in the form of epic dramas from puranas are enacted during the nine nights of Navratri. The Mysore Dussehra is celebrated with grand processions on the streets carrying Goddess Chamundi.
7. In Tamil Nadu, three goddesses, Durga, Laxmi and Saraswati, are worshipped for three days each. Devotees set up steps (kolu) at the corner of their household with golu dolls arranged on them. People invite friends and family and a special dish Sundal is made for this time.
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