1/ Tonight I’ve felt full of hope, because it seems that the English Twitter world has finally caught up w. the mandarin Twitter world on what’s really been going on in the world. The #Whistleblowermovement led by Mr. #MilesGuo has drastically changed the politics in the world.
2/ Countless whistleblowers in China provided intelligence to #MilesGuo in the hope of overthrowing the CCP so Chinese people won’t suffer from the tyranny anymore. Lude Media @ding_gang has been relentlessly broadcasting & interpreting info provided by Miles & whistleblowers
3/ over the past ~3 years. After the #CCPVirus outbreak in Wuhan, Dr. Li-Meng Yan @DrLiMengYAN1 investigated the outbreak on behalf of WHO in January but her findings were put aside by her supervisors. She knew it was going to cause a global pandemic if no one took action.
4/ Dr. Yan has been a supporter of the #Whistleblowermovement and she listened to Lude’s shows everyday. Knowing that her life could be in danger if she blew whistle, she still took action and contacted Lude on 1/16. Dr. Yan spent three days explaining to Lude on the virus and
5/ on 1/18/20, Lude tweeted about the information provided by Dr. Yan. On 1/19, the next morning, Lude’s show revealed that the virus 1) is modified based on CCP PLA owned Zhoushan bat virus, 2) has strong mutation, 3) is H2H transmission and 4) will cause global pandemic.
6/ Dr. Yan was in HK at the time. As CCP was cracking down HK’s freedom, it was not safe for Dr. Yan to stay there anymore. On 4/28, with the help from other #Whistleblowermovement supporters, Dr. Yan fled HK. Lude coordinated her entire escape. On 4/30, Lude announced on his
9/ All that has been discussed shows that the CCP’s evil plan against the US - the unrestricted bio weapon to destroy the economy and kill lives and the infiltration in the US at all key levels in all key functions of the country. Hunter Biden’s case tells you that CCP’s BGY
10/ strategy is effectively used in Executive, Judicial and Legislative, all three functions of the US government. The CCP is trying to influence/control presidential candidate using his son’s sex tapes and bribes, the FBI/DOJ didn’t respond to the criminal evidence timely,
11/ Pelosi received a copy of the criminal evidence but didn’t do anything, the scientific community pushes for the nature origin theory of the virus, healthcare officials actively block the use of HCQ, big tech censors/suppresses info about virus origin & Biden’s corruption...
12/ All the craziness happening show that ordinary people have to come together & shout out our own voices. Chinese & American patriots who truly love our countries have to say NO to politicians, elites & big corps who don’t care about the country & people. We, the people,united
13/ can fight the evilness on earth. We, the people, need to fight to our last breath, for the future of our children. We, the people, need to make ourselves heard. We, the people, regardless of race or ethnicity, have to support each other. If we don’t, the evil ones will rule!
14/ People may wonder what happens after the CCP is overthrown & what a new China would look like. The answer is #NewFederalStateofChina. On 6/4/2020, Mr. #MilesGuo and Mr. Bannon announced the founding of #NewFederalStateofChina in front of Liberty Statue.
15/ "Himalaya - The Pinnacle of freedom" is the National Anthem of the #NewFederalStateofChina. The video shows several scenes taken on the day of the ceremony, 6/4/2020.

The full Aerial photography record of the ceremony is here:
16/ The date 6/4/2020 was chosen to declare the founding of the state is in order to honor & memorize the freedom & democracy fighters killed by the #CCP in #TiananmenSquareMasscre on 6/4/1989. Former Chinese football star Hao Haidong read the declaration.
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