stop telling people to forgive their parents. start telling people to forgive themselves for things their parents blamed on them but was never true. forgive the child within you that was manipulated by someone who was supposed to nourish and teach you not abandon and manipulate.
forgiveness is tricky depending on the situation. be careful with throwing out the phrase ‘forgive your parents’ because some parents truly cannot be forgiven. it’s good to show compassion for their demons but some things simply can’t be forgiven or are very difficult to forgive
to the people quote tweeting saying to forgive your parents anyways, you are the exact reason i made this god damn post. you are INVALIDATING. that shit is so repeated and it is not that god damn simple. you have no idea what some people have been through and to say forgive-
anyways is completely invalidating their trauma. it is not that simple to forgive a parent who was sexually abusive, physically abusive or all of the above. it starts with forgiving yourself because it’s harder to look at their point of view than it is to look at yours.
you completely misunderstand the point of this post and you are the reason why i made it. it is not that fucking simple and there is so much that people have been through that simple CANNOT BE FORGIVEN. you can have your opinion but know it’s invalidating and fucked up.
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