Not trying to be a pick me, but I feel for young men in this county. there’s not a healthy outlet for expressing alienation. this isn’t sticking up the white working class only , im talking men in cities too that become statistics, they know they’re gonna die and want glory.
Or they have nothing in their life that makes them feel apart of something so they get radicalized. There’s a podcast about a canadian teenager that joined isis and it’s that same lonliness
Men should have a healthy atmosphere to talk about these things but Idk how we would do that, bc of the culture. But it’s sad. I’ve met so many ppl in recovery and when I was out and they have trauma and anxiety and everything but feel like they have to act a certain kind of way
That’s another reason why I get so frustrated with white lib fems, since they don’t understand class the man is always the oppressor, which is reductive in the extreme and is a turn off for ppl just becoming politically aware
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