“We don’t call murder victims and theft victims accusers, so why don’t we cal sexual crime accusers victims?”

This is one of the stupidest questions I’ve ever heard. Why, you ask?

With murder and theft, you know 100% that a crime has taken place. The person being accused may...
...be innocent, but there’s no denying a crime has been committed by someone. Not the case with sexual crimes, unless hard evidence is presented of course. And yes, evidence of a sex crime is difficult to produce, and this is why trials are SO important. If the accuser is...
...flakey, changes their story multiple times, has credibility problems, claims impossible things, etc etc etc, like with Jackson for example, then it’s safe to assume they didn’t commit the crime.
It truly baffles me how quick humans are to believe anyone, how quick we to condemn someone, based on nothing someone’s words. I kid you not, I’ve heard some people say that trials aren’t necessary. Really? You wanna throw a potentially innocent person thrown in jail for years...
...all because ONE person said they they did something horrible?

“But I’d rather support a potential liar than a potential abuser.”

You don’t have to support either, just be neutral until everything comes out. That’s what I do. I’m 50/50 on every allegation until I’ve heard...
...both sides and/or evidence is presented. It’s pretty simple.

Here’s another thing you hear all the time with MJ, “but they have 4,5,6 accusers! How can all of them be lying?”

Well, Cliff Richards had 9, yes 9, people accuse him of sexual assault, and guess what? All of...
...them were proven to be liars. Yes, I will admit the more accusers someone may have, the more suspicious I am of them, but the credibility of each and every one of them still has to come into question, no matter how many people come forward.
“But why would someone lie like that? Why would they want to be hated like that?

Because we’re human beings. Fame, money, and just plain old attention and the things we desire the most.

Why did Mark David Chapman kill John Lennon? He said himself he wanted fame.
People will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame. So why is lying about being raped, sexually assaulted, etc, seem so unbelievable? False allegations happen folks, and some of y’all need to recognize that.
Anyway, I’m rambling again. I just made this thread to get some thoughts out of my head. It was nice. I feel so intelligent writing these lol.

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