(This is going to be a long rant, sorry)

I don’t mean this in a mean way, but i am so sick of non-binary people overrunning every single trans space. The fact that I, a transgender man, am a minority in trans spaces is appalling to me. (1/9)
It is so frustrating trying to get support as a trans person and genuinely not receiving it in spaces that were designed for people like me. Oftentimes, I don’t even feel like I can share my experiences because I know that nobody in those spaces would be able to relate or- (2/9)
-even understand. I’m not saying that non-binary people don’t deserve support, but there needs to be separate spaces. ESPECIALLY when it’s just a phase for a lot of these “non-binary” people. When I go to these support groups or clubs, I can tell that a lot of these people- (3/9)
-are going to go back to identifying as cis in a few years. But for me, being trans is not a fun little identity that I can shed when I get bored of it. I have to live my entire life as a transgender man who experiences problems that directly come from being transgender- (4/9)
-and it’s gotten to the point where I am unable to receive support within my own community because it’s been overrun by non-dysphoric cisgender people identifying as transgender. This is not me making fun of “trenders” or bullying anyone. This is me genuinely so frustrated- (5/9)
-because I am unable to find a space for myself in my OWN community. I see so many nonbinary people in these spaces who completely dress and appear as their AGAB, they have not and will not ever be medically transitioning in any capacity, and their ONLY “trans” experience- (6/9)
-is asking their friends to call them pronouns that no stranger will ever call them because they can not/will not “pass.” They have next to nothing in common with transgender people. And yet, they are overrunning spaces that are specifically designed for transgender people. (7/9)
The problems that a non-binary person experiences are nothing like the problems that I experience, so why am I being pushed aside to better accommodate them? (8/9)
I have a whole lot more I could say, but I’m done with this thread for now. If you got all the way to the end, you’re a real one 👍🏻 (9/9)
Alright, let’s add to this thread since I’ve been getting so much hate. I will acknowledge that I could have worded things nicer, and I sincerely apologize to people who were offended by anything I said. I’m seeing that this has caused unintended hurt, and for that, I apologize.
At the same time, I think that most people in my mentions missed the whole point of what I’m saying, or is assuming the worst from my intentions. No, I don’t hate non-binary people. I also know that they’re a part of the trans community, and I never would claim that they aren’t.
My problem is not with non-binary people. It’s with a specific subset of people who don’t have gender dysphoria and identify as non-binary, and then overrun spaces that they don’t need and don’t belong to. Obviously I know that non-binary people are trans and I support them.
The fact that people are calling me transphobic is honestly so disrespectful. I logged onto Twitter to share my own experience and people are telling me to die, to kill myself, sending me gore, etc. You are the people that are proving my point that there’s no space for a-
-nuanced conversation. All I claimed is that non-binary and binary trans people have different experiences. I never claimed that either one is more valid than the other. I won’t claim to understand the struggles of somebody that’s non-binary, just like they wouldn’t understand-
-the struggles of me. That doesn’t make them any less trans, it just makes them a different kind of trans, and the fact that we always share support groups can be harmful to whoever’s voices aren’t being heard. So was my original tweet meaner than I intended? Absolutely.
But it was coming from a place of hurt because I’m unable to find a space for trans people that is accommodating to my experiences. To the people who assumed the worst of me (especially the people who know me) I’m disgusted at the way you twisted my words and dogpiled me.
Also, people are assuming I’ve been kicked out of trans groups because I’m transphobic. That’s not true. I’ve never been kicked out of any groups, I just left because they weren’t accommodating to people like me.
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