Have a problem or issue?

Amy Grant has a song for that: a thread
Discouraged? Having a bad day?
Overwhelmed as a mom?
Some troll on Twitter lying and slandering you?
Deciding to be kind despite the circumstances?
Getting into a car accident (while this song was playing) with the penpal you haven't seen in 10 years that propels you into a long-distance dating scenario that morphs into a wedding and 22 years later still married. #truestory
When you have that one friend on your mind who walked away from faith...
When your heart is breaking over the oppression of the past and present...
Working on something creative? Book? Poem? Artwork? Song? Blog?
Stumped for an airband entry?
Afraid? Lost your way?
Circumstances beyond your control?
You can follow @MadAboutPaper.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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