Brat Cat has melted my cold dead heart and now I’m a cat person who shrugs off the idea he might piss on a bed. I need an intervention.
Additionally, in pursuit of teaching him NOT to piss on beds I have inadvertently taught him to pee on command in the box to get a treat. Which is a bit backward.
Because homeboy will squeak out a literal drop of piss when I instruct him to go pee, then demand a treat. However, he’s a cat not a human, so I can’t flip it and tell him where NOT to pee.
So now, I’m taking a kitten to a box and telling him to pee first thing in the morning. Which is exactly part of why I didn’t want a dog.
Anyhoo happy Friday I’m sorry you have nothing better to read than this thread about my bed peeing Brat Cat...who has also just discovered how much he fucking loves to LIE in a bed, which hopefully means he will be less inclined to pee in it.
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