let's talk mice! (the computer sort, not the skitter friend sort)

if you have pain when using a mouse, it can be carpal tunnel syndrome, rsi, eds, or anything else.

for me, the exercises only helped if i also stopped using a mouse.

hi, i'm housebound & chronically ill!

i use a mouse most of the time since all i can do is sit up and use my computer.

& then one day about 20 years ago, i was recced the anir vertical mouse. (wayback: https://web.archive.org/web/20000804134204/http://www.animax.no/)

it was MAGIC! instead of palm down, my hand is slightly off from vertical.

it did take about 3 days to get used to, but wrist pain still, 20 years on, is rare now.

I'm not sure Animax is stil in business, but they licensed the design to 3M about 2005.

they come in 2 versions (wired and wireless) and 2 sizes (s/m and m/l).

they're a bit spendy (~US$60), but when i've tried using a regular mouse as back up? suddenly can't use the computer at all. i've asked for them for birthday and solstice gifts when i'm desperate.

anyway, if you have pain from using a mouse, maybe it will help you, too.

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