Hey @xoxogossipgita @jasonschreier @XboxP3 do you remember the case about Xbox Brazil where a Youtube Channel was using the Xbox brand name and attacking marginalized people for years, and all while being legitimized and fueled by a relationship with Microsoft?
Since then, Microsoft (which never spoke openly about the subject) hired a woman ( @IsadoraBasile) to be the new host of their official channel.
That decision angered that same crowd that Microsoft never really dealt with or even acknowledged.
They started to harass Isadora, saying that she wasn't worthy of the brand, sending her death threats, and saying she deserved to be raped.
Microsoft not only never spoke up about the situation to protect its employee, but also decided today to fire her "So that she does not get exposed to this kind of situation". We would love it if you could raise awareness of this. It's beyond absurd.
Quem quiser marcar jornalistas/veiculos internacionais, fiquem a vontade.
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