#GreatIfe, on the @IfeSarsmustgo case, we've been on it since we heard the story and we were able to track the guy down in minutes.

We found out that he had actually made some plans for tomorrow from the money (he had given out contract for snacks - which we confirmed) #Thread
The fact that he obtained the money by lying and trying to act fast all alone suggested foul play. We were able to retrieve a percentage of the balance from him, confirm the orders he claimed to have made and crosshecked if he had done something similar prior to this.
After further investigation, we found out that he also had received a #25k yesterday (different from the 50k feminist coalition announced). Making #75k

We have been able to collect a percentage of the balance remaining and he promised to refund the remaining 12k tomorrow morning
He apologised and has put a call through to some of the team members tonight to show his remorse and beg for forgiveness from #GreatIfe.

@IfeSarsmustgo, an apology from this account will be in order, and please deactivate/ change the handle of this account after doing that.
- End of thread -
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