@r_a_salvatore The 📘📗📕 Generations trilogy touched on ever-more woke subjects with stunning accuracy. 🤯

(spoilers in this thread 🧵)
Zaknafein got to the bottom of the flow state. There is no time to think in running through the caverns of the underdark. There is only time to react. The body moves before thought.
Kane struck to the truth of being awake in that it really is about enjoying the simple things. The touch of the wind, the song of the birds, the view of the mountains.
Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.
Drizzt's uncertainty about his existence mirrored the recent confusion over a simulation hypothesis. His rejection of that possibility of existential falsehood echoed my realization that whatever is being experienced must ultimately be real; even if it is simultaneously virtual.
Drizzt in Boundless and Relentless is me learning about transcendence. When we no longer run from our fears, but face them, they dissolve, and we transcend the issues. The conflicts and wars seem so petty in light of the abundance of consciousness in deep states.
Kimmuriel's method of teleportation – as in relocating Wulfgar and Bonnie to the hall of Ship Kurth – is the exact same way Michael Raduga teaches to relocate yourself in a lucid dream or astral projection (which he refers to as "The Phase"). Pantsed fiction imitating reality.
The stereotyped image of the drow race has reached a tipping point at the same time as issues of race have reached a tipping point in the real world.
When the documentary Thrive talks about the banking families digging in over time, I am reminded of Kimmuriel's 'one step at a time' revelation. The banking families discussed in Thrive mirror the drow families in Menzo (which were based on the mafia, of course).
Thrive (directed by Foster Gamble) gave me clarity about the world today in contrast with the future.
Yvonnel the Eternal's memories (directed by Kimmuriel) gave Yvonnel & Quenthel clarity in contrast with the past.
Kimmuriel's download about Menzoberranzan's decline, in tandem with Yvonnel the Eternal's memories, is a fascinating problem of how to wake up the rest of the population that is stuck on a lower frequency of thought patterns. (misanthropy, alone in the universe, ETs being scary)
Mingling with people beyond Menzo is the same story as mingling with people beyond Earth. The contact scene in the US is clouded by fears of abduction and involves interstellar racism projections onto other species;
It's tough to get those steeped in the darkness to see positivity. Meanwhile, especially in Latin America (Gauntlgrym), there are multiple direct friendships being made with extraterrestrials (surface races). http://tiny.cc/ContactPlaylist 
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