Wanna know why all those ads wanted you to make sure you were registered? I registered moving back to KY in Dec. 2018. I voted in the 19 general and 20 primary. I have an up-to-date REAL ID. I’m even a sworn poll worker in the upcoming general election. 1/
I early voted today and the clerk had to call the courthouse because I had apparently been purged. They pulled me aside and got it straightened out, and I got to vote, but it’s b/c I was diligent about making sure I was registered. 2/
Your vote is powerful. Protect it. Use it. 3/

#GoVoteKY #WhenWeAllVote #Vote #Election2020
*In my case, the poll worker told me that some "parcels" had been deleted by accident (worth looking in to) and they couldn't be added back into the e-rolls 1-by-1 in time for the election as they weren't sure who all got deleted by mistake, so they address them as they walk in.
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