As we end #HispanicHeritageMonth, I'm looking back at all of the incredible work our @TurnoutPAC Latinx staff have done to mobilize the Latinx vote in 20 swing states across the country.

By Nov. 3rd, we will have made 5.5 million calls to Latinx voters nationwide. 1/x
In 2020, Latinos will be the largest racial & ethnic minority group of the electorate, making up over 13% of voters. We will make up the largest share of eligible Gen Z voters, at 22%.

Intentional 1-on-1 outreach to Latinx voters, especially Spanish-speakers, is crucial. 2/x
We talk to inconsistent Democratic Latinx voters everyday. They want to vote & make their voices heard.

Across 20 swing states, we learned that corruption is Latinx voters’ #1 issue. It's what's driving them to register to vote, sign up for mail ballots, & vote in person. 3/x
Our @TurnoutPAC field staff is amazing. I get to work with several hundred Latinx field reps from Maine to Florida, Iowa to Montana, and many states in between.

Our field staff is excited & enthusiastic about having authentic, personal conversations with Latinx voters. 4/x
The key is 1-on-1 conversations. Latinx voters have a lot of questions, and there isn't always language accessible information about voting.

Our field staff works hard to talk to Latinx voters in swing states, making sure voters know how, where, & when to vote this year. 5/x
Our @TurnoutPAC field reps like Diego CiFuentes & Valerie Bunge work hard in Florida to make sure Latinos get out to vote by having the right information in Spanish and making their voice heard! 6/x
Graciela Perez-Silver, one of our field reps in North Carolina, will be voting in her first presidential election since she became a citizen. She became a citizen “to vote against Trump." She's fired up to be having a dialogue with Latinos about why #votingmatters! 7/x
Vitoria Desoutter, who works in Michigan, believes "representation is important! We are calling many Latino voters, we should be able to tell them there are other Latinos on their side, doing the good work!" 8/x
Our field reps in Pennsylvania, Sofia Lozano & Ashley Jackson, work hard every single day to create language accessibility for Latinx voters who want to vote and make informed choices for their communities. 9/x
Veni Villalobos, from Tuscon, AZ, has represented Latinx voters on the national stage as a DNC Delegate. Like @venelra, our Latinx field reps, are doing everything on the field and in the community to make sure every vote counts. 10/x
I am so proud of our Latinx field staff across the country.

Whether a Latinx voter lives in Iowa or Florida, a @TurnoutPAC field rep will be there to answer their questions in Spanish.

The Latinx vote will change this election & I am so excited to be part of that change. ❀
You can follow @stephanixmedina.
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