They called up for an interview, where I had to defend myself against these scurrilous lies. They demanded I sit for a photo threatening to take one off the internet if I didn’t. & got me with an ADFA cadet walking past in a slouch hat. Front page Saturday edition iconography.
Monday, another story in the Oz & the Herald Sun publishes that we support the Bali terrorists in UNSW classrooms and gets a quote from Jim Molan. They spoke to me and my head for an hour, to no students. It’s all fiction, none of our quotes appear. Molan calls me up to apologise
Tuesday, the Oz is leaked an email from me to the Quadrant author and calls me for quotes. I refuse to go on the record. They keep provoking, I swear in frustration, hang up. Next day, my quote saying fucking etc is on page 3. Screw the AJA code of ethics.
We complain to the Herald Sun. Two three weeks later they take down the original story from online and print a rebuttal piece. It’s buried deep in the paper.
The affair gets written up by Quadrant, my wife sees attacks on white supremacist websites doesn’t tell me, we have small children. The hate mail starts. Top it off, I am grieving my Dad who died a couple of months before.
@MrKRudd if we all #tellmynewscorpstory perhaps your Royal Commission can start right here?
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