I've got a fun thread today for those of you who, like me, enjoy learning about the history & mythology behind your favorite Fate characters. It's episodes of @SpiritsPodcast, my FAVORITE mythology podcast, that cover topics relevant to Fate! Hope you all enjoy!
I'll be going through from their earliest episodes to more recent ones. I'll also be linking to the specific episodes on their website, but the show is also available on Spotify and other sites.
Episode 7: Great Floods https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/great-floods

This first one is only tangentially related, but worth including. One of the floods they discuss is the one experienced by Ziusudra in Mesopotamian mythology--which, you may remember, was King Hassan's fake identity in Babylonia.
Episode 21: Medusa and the Gorgons https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/medusa 

This episode is mostly about Medusa, but Stheno and Euryale do get discussed briefly as well. I'd love to hear about the two of them more in-depth someday though!
Episode 27: 30 Myths in 30 Minutes https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/2017/2/1/episode-27-30-myths-in-30-minutes-anniversary-bonanza

One of the myths touched on in this episode is the Salmon of Knowledge, a story associated with Fionn mac Cumhaill. This is the reason he sucks his thumb sdhfjdkgh
Episode 28: Kali https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/kali 

While Kali herself is not yet in Fate, she has origin stories (told in the episode) relating to Parvati and Durga, the latter of whom is one of the component goddesses of Passionlip. Also, Kali's cool as hell.
Episode 42: Werewolves https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/2017/8/30/episode-42-werewolves

Kind of a broader subject but hey! Beryl's a werewolf so why not include the episode about werewolves.
Episode 44: Circe https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/circe 

All about our queen, Circe <3
Episode 51: Zeus https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/zeus 

Shoutout to Spirits for giving me the nickname "The Fuckfather" for Zeus, the ancestor of all fuckboys.
Episode 56: King Arthur https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/king-arthur

Really, you can't have an episode about King Arthur without talking about some of the other KOTR, in particular Lancelot and Mordred.
Episode 63: Food Gods https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/food-gods

This round-up includes stories that heavily feature Amaterasu (who Tamamo is a fragment of) and Parvati!
Episode 65: Inanna https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/inanna 

Fate loves to portray Ishtar (also known as Inanna) as useless for a laugh, but she's actually pretty badass in her own right! This episode is about her stories, including her trip to the underworld referenced in Babylonia.
Episode 80: Genderfuck the Gods https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/inanna 

Once again this episode includes a discussion of Parvati, this time in the context of Ardhanarishvara, a composite god of herself and Shiva.
Episode 89: Šauška https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/sauska 

While Šauška herself is not in Fate, she's a /very/ old goddess whose influence can be seen in later goddesses, including Amaterasu, Aphrodite, Inanna, and Astarte.
Episode 91: Pele https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/pele 

The Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes who BB fused with for her summer version!
Episode 92: Fakelore https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/fakelore

This episode includes discussion of Paul Bunyan and what sets him and similar stories apart from true folklore, which is also discussed in the All The Statesmen event which gave us FGO Paul Bunyan!
Episode 97: Clowns https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/clowns 

A whole episode about creepy clowns, I naturally have to dedicate this one to Lil Ronnie from Fate/EXTRA.
Episode 103: Ganesha https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/ganesha

Fun fact! I originally listened to this one shortly after Ganesha released in FGO. I wasn't planned or anything, it just happened to be the one I got to next. That was a fun coincidence.
Episode 112: Mythological Crossdressing https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/cross-dressing

The spiritual sequel to the Genderfuck the Gods episode, this one starts off with a story about Achilles. This post is everyone's cue to draw this carrot motherfucker in a dress.
Episode 115: The Epic of Gilgamesh (Part 1) https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/gilgamesh-1

The first half of a two-parter, this episode covers the Epic of Gilgamesh up to just before Enkidu's death.
Episode 117: The Epic of Gilgamesh (Part 2) https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/gilgamesh-2

The second half of this duology, this episode covers Enkidu's death and the journey Gilgamesh goes on after. This is the story of how he went from arrogant tyrant to wise & respected king.
Episode 120: Names https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/names 

Again, a more tangential connection, but--names have power! That's true in mythology and it's true in Fate, where Servants' True Names should be hidden for the sake of protections.
Episode 121: Myth Movie Night: Hercules https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/hercules

The team watches Disney's Hercules and uses it as a jumping-off point for talking about the mythological Heracles.
Episode 125: Passover https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/passover

This episode is both about the traditions of Passover and the actual story of Passover, which of course means Moses features heavily. As an aside, Eric goes on a rant about matzo near the end and it's really funny sdfhgd
Episode 132: The Death of Heroes https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/death-of-heroes

This episode features a handful of stories of heroes' deaths, including Robin Hood, Gilgamesh, Odysseus, as well as Arjuna's wife, who is honestly a badass, can we get her in Fate???
Episode 133: Dragons https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/dragons

Dragons are /everywhere/ both in Fate and in mythology as a whole. This roundup episode includes discussions of Saint George, the Usumgallu (which you may recall as a Babylonia mob), Tiamat, and Kiyohime.
Episode 156: Myth Movie Night: Song of the Sea https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/song-of-the-sea

It's brief, but they do touch on Fionn again in this one.
Episode 164: Vampires & "Only Lovers Left Alive" (Myth Movie Night) https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/vampires-only-lovers-left-alive-myth-movie-night

Type-Moon lore has a few different types of vampires embedded in it, and I included the episode about werewolves, so it's only natural to put this one in here too.
Episode 176: Jason and the Argonauts (Myth Movie Night) https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/jason-and-the-argonauts

I for one greatly enjoyed Amanda going from "whoa Jason's so cool" to "fuck Jason, team Medea all the way" over the course of this episode
Episode 192: The Invisible Man (Myth Movie Night) https://spiritspodcast.com/episodes/the-invisible-man

Kind of a deep cut here but, the Invisible Man is actually the third component of Hessian Lobo! He just never really gets brought up. This episode is an interesting look into the history of the archetype.
Aaaand I'm gonna end it here for now bc I have caught up to where I'm currently at with listening! I will update this thread when there's more to be added ✌️
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