What if? What if the people who actually wrote your guide books modified them hundreds of years after their original author died to include mandates to be passive in the face of their aggression? What if these same people included edicts about how special they are?
Politicians include the salutation "The Honorable" whether or not they are honorable. In the military rank, at least, comes with a common context where you know the lieutenant, for example, had to pass muster at least somewhat.
Here you have a military man of some rank. We know what he had to do in order to achieve his rank. The honorable Hank Johnson, (D) Georgia assumes a posture of AUTHORITY, as the questioner and the military man his subordinate. What have they done to U
The HONORABLE Hank Johnson (D) Georgia demands and gets respect because in a Democracy his peoples voted (sorry-people) voted him in and they PAY his wages and he gets perks. What have they done to your mind?
Now you see JUST ONE REASON why our brilliant founders wrote into our very fabric a Constitutional Republic NOT a Democracy
After reading (I'm addressing nay sayers) my last 5 tweets do you realize that MY content, attitude as manifest by my content is 100% in keeping with freedom fighters everywhere? Our founders mindset! Look how far you have fallen. Look how conformed you have become
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