Alright, so I don’t usually do political threads like this, but I’ve seen a lot of discourse from our stupid ass president on how blue states are "poorly run" and from republicans in general talking about how liberals love socialism and welfare and don't contribute to the economy
Although most of the time, Republicans refer to anything remotely democratic as socialism, because they have absolutely no fucking clue what they are talking about, ever. You'll see later in this thread the palpable irony of republicans hating socialism though.
While we could go into how democratic presidents have always improved the economy as a whole, and republican presidents have always tanked it, we don’t need to. I just had a little time on my hands, so I decided to do a small analysis and create two handy charts on each state...
...and how much they contribute to the economy, breaking it down by each state's voting tendency. The data goes about how you would expect. Before I get into it, this data is not conclusive evidence for anything, just some barebones analysis. So don't take it at face value.
Here is the first graph, detailing each state's contribution to the United States GDP, broken down by if they traditionally vote Democrat or Republican. Obviously a lot of blue at the left side but we have republican representation with Texas and Florida at the top. Good for them
Well we can already see that blue states definitely contribute more to the economy than red states (64.2% compared to 35.7%), even though there are more red states lol. But that's really not anything you can conclude anything from (unless you want to, I'm not stopping you).
So I have made a second graph that's way more telling. BEHOLD, GDP per Capita. Yeah, adjusted for population, blue states do much, much more with their labor force. Republican's best contributors are Alaska and North Dakota, pride of America. Alaska has more caribou than people.
"But Jordan", you say, "that is just your liberal bias talking". And you're right. But you know what else is talking? The data that shows that out of the bottom 10, red states populate 9 of those spots. The bottom 9. With FLORIDA coming in DEAD LAST.
So red states contribute 30% less than blue states, despite having 50.9% of the population living in red states, lol. But guess who takes the most subsidies from the government? Yeah that's right. Red states. New Mexico actually takes the most, which hurts my narrative....
...but not really because 10 of the next 11 are red states. It's also funny that these states like West Virginia and Mississippi are full of people who hate socialism because welfare is only reason that they are afloat. These states barely contribute anything, other than racism.
Anyway, this thread isn't the end-all-be-all for the argument of Democrat vs Republican. All I can say is that I never want to hear a Republican talk about how Democrats trash the economy ever again, because we can go into how Reagan, Bush, and Trump were national disasters
I hope that this barebones analysis was a helpful visualization to some, and if you're a triggered snowflake conservative thinking about replying to me, don't even bother saying anything because I absolutely do not care about what you have to say
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